Thursday, August 24, 2023

grandma's chuckles - Kisses are Weird!

I have three grandsons; they are almost fifteen, about to turn twelve, and nearly ten. I LOVE EVERYTHING about being a grandma . . . the hugs, the kisses, the sweet smiles, reading  books, playing games, making cookies . . . the list goes on and on! 

One of the wonderful things about being a grandma is being able to hear all the sweet things a grandchild has to say . . . usually there are a lot of really funny things they say, too!

I remember my middle grandson became a "talker" at a young age . . . and a funny one at that! One time when he was two we were in our car and were talking about kisses . . . I said they were wonderful and he - and my oldest grandson - said they were weird! Well, as a grandma, I definitely believe kisses are not weird - they are wonderful - but not as wonderful as time spent with sweet grandsons!

What things have your grandchildren said which continue to bring a smile to your face?

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