Sunday, September 15, 2024

Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures: For the Children You Love Who Walk With God & Those Who Do Not - Try a Month for Free!

If you are looking for a resource, a tool to help you pray for the ones you love, take a look at Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures: For the Children You Love Who Walk With God & Those Who Do NotWe do not know what the future holds. We are not able to see "under the surface" (think ice bergs - we are able to see the part above the water, but not the much larger part under the water.) If we are experiencing challenges in our lives, it is very possible we have to wait to see what God has planned.

Doing this "waiting" is oftentimes extremely difficult, but in all honesty, there is no other option than for us to wait. Yes, we may become discouraged or angry, but choosing instead to trust God and wait is the choice which is best.

Passing Faith with Simple, Intentional Words

What do you do to pass faith to your grandchildren? Passing faith can be simple, everyday things as well as specific, organized opportunities you plan out in advance. Josh McDowell says with his children, and now his grandchildren, he was/is intentional about telling them; "You are created in the image of God with infinite value, dignity, and worth."

Today is National Double Cheeseburger Day!

If you are a fan of double cheeseburgers, today is a day to celebrate as it is National Double Cheeseburger Day! So, let's look at some fun history of the double cheeseburger and where you can get free burgers or burgers for just a little money! Did you know . . .

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Deeper In - Praying the Scriptures for the Children You Love - Look What People Are Saying About It!


Today I want to share a book with you which you could use to help you pass faith to the children you love. I'm happy to let you know about Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament - the goals of this book are . . .

grandma's "chuckles" - He Drives Like a Mad-Man!

We recently celebrated the 13th birthday of one of my grandsons - today I'm remembering 12 years ago when I made my husband laugh - not just a smile or a "chuckle", but rather an out-and-out belly-laugh! How, you ask? Well, I told him the following: "Our grandson drives the dump-truck like a 'mad-man'!" He out-and-out laughed at this! 

Today is National Virginia Day!

Yes, if you - or someone you love - live in Virginia, today is a day to celebrate! I lived there for a few months many years ago, and found it to be a beautiful place. So, let's look at some of their silly laws and a few fun facts - be sure to share with the children you love. Did you know . . . 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Today is International Chocolate Day!

Today is International Chocolate Day - while we certainly do not need a special day to celebrate and enjoy chocolate - as any day is a great day to do so - since there is an "International Chocolate Day", why not celebrate and enjoy it! I found some information about this tasty day and chocolate on line and thought I'd share some of it with you . . .  

grandma's cookbook - Apple, Apple Pie!

You may be thinking I had a typo in my title for this post; after all, I did type, "apple"  twice, but it is no typo! Fall is just around the corner and since I live in West Michigan; otherwise known as, "Apple Country", when Fall arrives my thoughts go to apples . . . apple cider, apple pie, apple muffins, caramel apples . . . well, you get it . . . apples!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

I Have a Winner!

I'm happy to say Mr. Frank is the winner in my giveaway - please email me at by the 13th so I can have it sent to you and thank you  HarperCollins Christian Publishing for providing a sample of the product for this review and another for the giveaway.

Start My Day with Joy!

I get up each morning, Monday through Friday, at 5:30am. While this is a horrible time of day to be up for sure :-), my hubby has to be at work at 7am, so I get up to fix him breakfast. This means each morning one of the first things I see is my refrigerator door . . . which is where I have the birthday present my oldest grandson made for me when he was five years old . . . a book he wrote titled: "Super Josiah Saves Grandma from All The Robot Spiders in History!" Not just from "a" Robot Spider! Not just from "some" Robot Spiders! Not even just from "all the Robot Spiders he sees on a particular day", but from "all the Robot Spiders in HISTORY!!!!" This makes me smile every time I see it, so I always start my day with joy!

September 13th is National Peanut Day - Here are SomeFun Facts!

Tomorrow is National Peanut Day, so I checked the  National Peanut Board's website for some peanut info and found a wealth of peanut fun facts! I thought I'd share some with you - did you know . . . 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

just for fun - Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day!

Friday - September 13th - is Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day, so it seems like a great day to grab the children you love and make peanut butter chocolate chip cookie with them (since it is also National Peanut Day)!

But first a few facts about the benefits of helping children learn to cook . . .

Tasty - and Even Healthy No-Bakes!

My family enjoys no-bake cookies - and I make them from time to time because the way I make them they are a healthy and tasty way to increase fiber, protein, and flavonoids! Today I am very happy to share with you my recipe for no-bakes - especially since tomorrow is National Peanut Butter Lovers Day. You will need . . . 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

just for fun - Friday is National Doodle Day!

Are you a "doodler"? Do you tend to draw absentmindedly or when you are bored? Do you tend to add little drawings or sketches to your name or when you write a note to someone? Most of us likely do this from time to time and Friday is a day to do so as it is, "National Doodle Day"!