Wednesday, August 23, 2023

grandma's cookbook - Ham & Cheese Pretzel Bites!

 ham and cheese pretzel bites

Today I am happy to share with you a recipe I saw on Pinterest  which sounds like a fun recipe to try with the ones you love! After all, what could be more fun than making home made ham and cheese  pretzel bites? :-)

Just follow this link and you'll find the recipe . . . it looks pretty easy and like a recipe my grandsons can help with . . . making dough, patting it out, layering the ham and cheese and rolling it up! Of course they will help with the tasting, too!

What do you think? Is this a recipe you've tried before or one you think you might try? Well . . . I think I'll give it a try as it looks like something my grandsons might enjoy!

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