Monday, August 7, 2023

It is National Raspberries N' Cream Day!

Today is National Raspberries N' Cream Day - you might celebrate the day with a tasty raspberry n' cream puff pastry tart (follow this link for the recipe.) So, along with celebrating this day with tasty tarts, let's look at some fun facts about raspberries - did you know . . .

  • Raspberries originally come from Turkey.
  • The fruit is related to blackberries and roses.
  • Each plant can produce a few hundred raspberries per year.
  • You will find more fun facts about raspberries at this link.

    Since this special day is about raspberries and cream, let's look at a few fun facts about cream . . . 

      • Cream is a natural by-product of milk
      • Whipped cream used to be called ‘milk snow’
      • Canned cream was invented nearly 70 years ago!
      You will find more fun facts about cream at this link.

      There are many ways to celebrate National Raspberries N' Cream Day - because there are so many ways to enjoy raspberries and cream! Make your favorite raspberries and cream recipe, or try something new, gather the ones you love, and enjoy! Not only are raspberries tasty, but they are very good for you - more reasons to celebrate for sure! You will find more about this day at the following link.

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