Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Ready for a Summer Snowball Fight??? :-)

Across the country it is has been hot . . . even here in Michigan where it often is cooler. So, as I thought about what I should post today on grandma's cookie jar, I thought it might be fun to share all the specifics I found on Pinterest for how to have a "Summer Snowball Fight"!

Yes, I said "snowball fight"! But, it isn't the snow you might think of. This "snow" is a special type you can make with your grandchildren! It's called "fluffy stuff" and all you need to make it is corn starch and a can of shaving cream! Sound like fun???

Just follow this link and you'll find directions for making your own "fluffy stuff" - your grandchildren will have fun making it and playing with it. Enjoy!!! :-)

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