Friday, August 4, 2023

Today is Hooray for Kids Day!

Today is Hooray for Kids Day - and as they say on, "Kids and their unique perspectives of life are the center focus on Hooray for Kids Day, held annually on August 4. The founders of this day, who remain unknown, likely wanted everyone — adults included — to share in the joy, innocence, and love children bring into the world." So, to help you celebrate the children in your lives, let's look at some fun facts about children - 

  • Kids have more taste buds than adults—as many as 10,000, compared to the 5,000 that adults have. That’s why they can be picky eaters!
  • During their first year of life, babies’ brains will almost triple in size. This incredible growth is due to the stimulation from their interactions with the world around them. It really does matter for you to talk with, read to, and interact with the babies in your life!
  • Kids are always learning new things, even if it doesn’t seem like they are. They are constantly absorbing new information and being exposed to different things. This helps them grow and develop into strong, independent adults.
You will find more facts at this link.

So, how will you celebrate the children in your life on this special day? Consider the following . . . 
  • Spend time together today - in person or virtually.
  • Fix the children in your life their favorite meal - or dessert!
  • Go out for ice cream.
  • Visit a zoo.
  • Play games together.
  • Of course, take photos!
These are just a few ideas, the most important being to connect with the children in your life in person or virtually to let them know how much you love them! Enjoy this special day!

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