Thursday, September 7, 2023

Grandparents Day is September 10th!

Grandparents Day is in three days - it is September 10th! Yes, it is a real holiday - here is some fun information about Grandparents Day . . . 

  • "Grandparent’s Day is a day that is dedicated to celebrating and acknowledging the vital contribution that our grandparents make when it comes to the education and well-being of younger people within the family."
  • Yes, it is a day to honor grandparents, but it is also a day to focus on allowing them to show their love for their grandchildren. This is NOT about "spoiling" them, as we throw away things which are spoiled, but it is certainly about taking time to let our grandchildren know how dearly they are loved!
  • Grandparents Day is an official national holiday, signed by President Carter in 1978 and celebrated on the first Sunday after Labor Day.
You will find ideas for ways to celebrate Grandparents Day at this link.

So, as we think about Grandparents, here are some interesting grandparent fun facts . . . 
  • 4.8 million – the number of pre-school children in American who were cared for by a grandparent in 2011.
  • 23.7% – the percentage of grandparents who take care of children under the age of five.
  • 58% – the percentage of grandparents who say they care for their grandchildren because they enjoy doing it.
  • 53% – the percentage of grandparents who take care of their grandchildren so that their parents can work.
  • 22% – the percentage of grandparents who take care of their grandchildren to pass on family values.
  • >70 million – the estimated number of grandparents residing in the United States.
  • 38 – the age of the youngest grandparents.
  • 60% – the percentage of grandparents who work part-time or full-time.
  • $52 billion – the amount grandparents spend on grandchildren in a year.
  • 45% – the percentage of grandparents who are on social media.
You will find more ideas about making Grandparents Day special at this link.

And, one more grandparent fun fact - 2% of grandparents have been skydiving, and in eight years I and my husband will join this fun, not boring 2% as we are skydiving to celebrate our 50th anniversary! It will be SO fun!

However you decide to celebrate, make Grandparents Day a day to gather the ones you love and celebrate together!

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