Wednesday, November 1, 2023

November is National Children's Month

When I first saw where November is National Children's Month my first thought was "Hooray! Another 'excuse' to celebrate my dear grandsons!" However; this is a month to draw attention to children in need by Standing up for the rights of children and making sure their needs are met. Daysoftheyear (dot)com says; "National Children’s Month offers a special opportunity to show appreciation for, celebrate, and meet the needs of children, especially those who are trapped in a cycle of poverty. Whether advocating for the government, helping out with a children’s charity or volunteering locally, there are plenty of opportunities for making a difference on this day and all throughout the year!"

Thank God my dear grandsons are loved, very much loved, provided for, encouraged, and their needs are well provided. This is not the case for all children, so a month to get us to stop and pay attention to these children is one well worth noticing - and acting upon. You will learn more about National Children's Month at this link - they suggest observing it in the following ways - 

  • Learn about children in need. Did you know - 
    • Statistics from 2022 show more than 330 million children around the world are living in extreme poverty and more than 800 million live below the poverty line.
    • Children make up more than half of the global poor, even though they are only around 30% of the world’s population.
    • Children in poverty can be found all over the world, but Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rates of children living in extreme poverty and South Asia is second.
    • Around 1 billion children world-wide are considered multidimensionally poor, meaning they have at least one severe deprivation, whether housing, healthcare, sanitation, nutrition or clean water.
  • Donate to help children in need - 
    • Save the Children. This organization is over 100 years old, having been founded in the UK in 1919 with the purpose of helping children all over the world to get the resources they need to live and to thrive in their environments.
    • Compassion International. Sponsor a child to provide them with the regular care they need and positively impact their life long-term through this non-profit organization that was started in 1952.
    • Children International. Another child sponsorship program, this humanitarian organization was founded in 1936 and places the focus on ending generational poverty through access to health care, educational resources, safe spaces and more.
Whether you do something with one of these groups or another - such as Kids' Food Basket do something to help because children matter.

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