Tuesday, February 20, 2024

just for fun . . . Today is Love Your Pet Day!

Yesterday I wrote about how today is Love Your Pet Day . . . and wrote about my cat, Candy - and shared her photo, today I want to share photos about a very sweet Basset Hound my daughter rescued named Rosie and our son/daughter-in-law/grandsons' two terriers named Gimli and Roxi.

When my children were growing up we had two basset hounds, a half basset hound half black lab, cats, a turtle named Tippsy, two bunnies a talking parakeet (it loved to sing with Carmen - it was very funny when it danced and sang; "I love Jesus, yes I do!"), several fish and an unfortunate experience with hamsters (the parents and siblings ate the babies!!!! I will NEVER have hamsters again!!!)

I think having pets is a wonderful opportunity for children to learn to care for something else and to get up close and personal with some of God's great creation!

What pets are in your family?

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