Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Today is the Day After Tell a Fairy Tale Day

When you were growing up, did you have a favorite Fairy Tale? A story you really loved and wanted your parents to read to you at bedtime? Or, as you grew up, did you enjoy reading Fairy Tales, such as; Beauty and the Beast or  Cinderella or The Cunning Shoemaker? Or, did you enjoy making up your own Fairy Tales? As you became a parent, did you enjoy reading Fairy Tales to your children and now enjoy a good Fairy Tale with your grandchildren? Well, if you answered, "Yes!" to any of these questions, then even though yesterday was, "Tell a Fairy Tale Day", today is still a great day to gather the children you love and tell them a Fairy Tale.

Grab your favorite Fairy Tale and read it to your grandchildren! Or, grab some paper, crayons, and pens so you and they can write and illustrate your own story . . . this sounds like great fun to me as I love to write stories with my grandsons! Of course, since I have grandsons when they were younger our stories always had monsters or aliens and super heroes in them!

How will you celebrate, Day After Tell a Fairy Tale Day?

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