Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Flashlights of Doom & Finding KittyKats!

Over the past few years I've shared some of the funny and sweet things my grandsons have said . . . of course, as their grandma I think many things they said when they were little were funny and  sweet! So, today I thought it would be fun to share a couple of the funny and sweet things they said. When my middle grandson turned two he decided he had lots of things to say!

One day, he was walking around with a flashlight, shining it up on his face saying, "I have a flashlight of DOOOOOMMM!!!" I can assure you the thought this grandma had at seeing and hearing him had nothing to do with Doom!!! He even got his aunt laughing at that one!
Later in the day, he asked me if I'd turn on the light in the kitchen . . . so I did. Then he asked me to turn on the light on my refrigerator (it has water and ice in the door with a light) . . . so I did. Then he asked if I'd open the refrigerator door . . . so I did. I have a bag of mini chocolates in there, so, of course, he helped himself to one and said, "I found a Kitty Kat (KitKat)!!"

Like I said, funny and sweet! But the best thing he said was when we had lunch and he wanted to tell God, "Thank You, God! Amen!" It made my grandma heart so happy!

What funny and sweet things do your grandchildren say?

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