Friday, November 29, 2024


Yes, Wolfenoot is a real thing and while technically November 23rd is the day to celebrate it, my grands are celebrating it today, so today is the day I'm writing about it - and really, the idea behind it is to be kind to animals and people so any day and every day is the day to celebrate! So, here are the details about Wolfenoot . . .

  • It was started by a seven year old boy in New Zealand.
  • On this day the Spirit of the Wolf brings and hides small gifts around the house for everyone. Those who have been or are kind to dogs receive better gifts than anyone else.
  • To mark this holiday, you should eat roast meat (because wolves eat meat) and cake decorated to resemble a full moon.
  • Post a pic of your or a friend's dog on social media stating your appreciation for them. Use the hashtag #Wolfenoot to increase awareness about this day.
  • Wolves roam long distances, sometimes up to 12 miles in a single day.
  • A wolf's gestation period is 63 days.
  • Wolves are the largest members of the dog family.
  • Grey Wolves have just been spotted in Mount Lassen National Volcanic Park - they have not been there for 100 years!
You will find out more about Wolfenoot at this link and this link.

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