Today is a "balmy" 34 degrees at 6:51 in the morning, so I'm thinking warm, positive thoughts - Spring will be here soo and there will be beautiful plants growing all around us! Flowers, leaves, even pretty weeds! Plan to take your grandchild(ren) on a nature walk and be sure to bring a paper lunch bag along with you to collect the beautiful things they find on your walk. Talk with your grandchild(ren) about the variety of colors in the things you see and lead them in praising God for using so many wonderful colors in the things He created! Encourage them to pick colorful flowers and uniquely shaped leaves as you walk through your yard and then bring them inside to make bandannas for them to wear all Spring and Summer!
- plain, white cotton bandannas
- one per child
- newspaper
- wax paper
- hammer or rubber mallet
- safety goggles
- flowers, weeds, leaves . . . whatever they found on your walk or if you have a bouquet of flowers just before they begin to fade, these also work really well for this project
- Wash your bandannas first to remove sizing
- Cut flowers from stems - be sure to leave a little bit of stem attached.
- Choose a work space which can be safely pounded with a hammer, such as the floor or a sturdy work table. Cover the surface with thick protective layer of newspaper, and place wax paper on top to keep the newsprint from being transferred to the fabric. Lay fabric on top of the wax paper. Have your grandchild(ren) practice on scrap fabric first to get the "hang" of it and to get an idea of what the flowers and leaves they have look like when pounded
- Show your grandchild(ren) how to place flowers and leaves face down on the fabric then cover with a sheet of wax paper over the entire design.
- With safety goggles on, let your grandchild(ren) hammer through the wax paper to transfer the flowers and leaves onto the fabric - this is sure to be one of the most enjoyable parts of the entire project . . . particularly if you have a grandson. Make sure they pound along the edges to define the shape or each flower/leaf. Thick flowers require more pounding.
- Remove wax paper and check the fabric. Your grandchild(ren) may want to add more flowers and continue the process until they have the look they want from their project.
- Wash bandannas in cold water and iron them. (Flower prints may fade when washed in hot water.)
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