Monday, August 28, 2023

Blue Dragons, Red Pandas, Hoopoes & More! - Now Available for Just $8.54!

Today is a great day to get at least one of the Life on the Goldilocks Planet  books for the children you love ages four through fourteen! The first book in the series - Blue Dragons, Red Pandas, Hoopoes & More! is available for only $8.54 - normally this book would be $14.99 - so this is a significant savings which makes today a great day to start your collection of these books which will help the children you love develop a confident faith! The series has been undergoing a "make-over", and all books will become available once again in a few days, but this one is now available - and on sale!

Look what Cavin Harper - the founder of the Christian Grandparenting Network - has to say about this series - "I LOVE these books you have created. What a great and powerful tool for shaping young minds to see and acknowledge the truth about Gods creation. Well done. Every parent and grandparent ought to have these tools in their toolkit. They are marvelous tools I want to let every grandparent know about. Thank you for taking time with your grandsons to create these extraordinary books. While disagreeing with Lyndas position that science shows how God used evolution to create everything, I still find these books a valuable resource for parents and grandparents."

Life on the Goldilocks Planet book is a fantastic gift if a child you love has a birthday coming up, just because - or for Christmas! If you combine a book with a few of the supplies needed for the science projects, crafts, recipes, and games which are part of the book, you will find you are able to give a gift which will never be forgotten AND which will provide you the opportunity to have important conversations with the children you love about why they are able to believe God is real and God and science DO go together! You will find this Life on the Goldilocks Planet book at this link - please order your books today and please share this post with the parents and grandparents you know!

#lifeonthegoldilocksplanet #handingdownaconfidentfaith #itmatterswhatwedo

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