Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Memories - Build Some Today!

 I live in the house my grandparent's had built back in the 1920's. My dad was born in this house (the photo is of him, his friends, and my grandma in front of the house) and I remember visiting my grandparents and having sleepovers in this house. I remember my grandma baking homemade bread and then giving me a slice with peanut butter on it after it came out of the oven. I remember singing Sunday school songs with my grandpa when I visited them! There are a lot of wonderful memories in this house!

Now, I'm the grandma and my grandsons come for sleepovers! I bake bread - and other goodies - for them and I LOVE it when my grandsons sing for me! When I told them about having sleep-overs at this house when I was little and it was my grandma's house, their eyes got big and they had a wonderful smile!

What are some of your memories from when you were a child and spent time with your grandparents? What are you doing to build memories with your own grandchildren now?

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