Sunday, August 27, 2023

Our Special Song - Try It with Your Grandchildren!

When my sweet grandsons were little I sang a particular song to them at nap-time and bedtime. When I sang this song, they stopped fussing, listened, and peacefully went to sleep. I may have had to sing it thirty times in a row (which did actually happen), but they always settled down and went to sleep with a smile on their face!

What is this amazing, powerful song, you ask? I'll share it with you. It is my own version of, "You Are My Sunshine", and it goes like this . . . 
"You are my sunshine, my sweet sunshine. You make me happy, all the day. I love you forever and for always. You are my sunshine today!" 
I sang it softly to them as I snuggled them in my arms and this song did put them to sleep!

I have wondered why this song was so successful at getting little boys to settle down and go to sleep and I think it was because of a few things . . . 
  • I sang softly. They had to settle down to hear me.
  • I looked them in the eyes when I sang - and they looked back at me!
  • The words tell them how much I love them - forever and for always!
  • The words tell them I treasure them - they are my sunshine and they make me happy all the time.
  • They hear, see, and felt my love for them when I sang to them.
I'm convinced this combination of love calmed and reassured them and helped them settle down and go to sleep. So, when your sweet little ones are at your home for a sleep-over, feel free to use this song with them and see if it helps them settle down and go to sleep!  

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