Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Remember; They Are Watching!

I've been blessed to enjoy a busy and wonderful summer with sweet, rascal  boys . . . they have spent Tuesdays and Thursdays at our house while their parents were at work, and Friday or Saturday nights on sleepover! We have had so much fun!

Mixed in with all this fun, I remembered something I noticed a few years ago when they were younger . . . 
My three, sweet rascals are all active boys with lots of energy and enthusiasm. If one of them did something, the others noticed and typically ended up doing the same. They are older now, so this isn't so much the case, but remembering this reminded me of something important.

I need to pay attention to how much the boys all watch the grown-ups in their lives. If for no other reason, I need to focus on being a good example and passing on a heritage of confident faith to my three sweet grandsons, because they are watching everything I do and say and if I do/say something, it is likely they will follow suit.

I want my three grandsons to grow up to young men, and one day grown men who love, know, and follow God, so I will set an example for them now, so they will see what this looks like.

Remember, your grandchildren are watching and they are likely to do/say/think what we do!

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