Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Today is Homemade Pie Day!

Today is Homemade Pie Day! Of course any day is a fantastic day to enjoy homemade pie, but since today is a special day to celebrate, grab the supplies and make a pie - your family will be so glad you did (and so will you!)

I am making a chocolate mousse pie in a few days for my youngest grandson's birthday dinner celebration - I wrote about this last week, so here is the link and the recipe - what could be better than enjoying a tasty chocolate mousse pie - and on homemade pie day!

You will find the history of Homemade Pie Day at this link and here are a few fun pie facts . . . 

  • Pies can be traced back to 6000 BC. Pies can be loosely traced back to ancient Egyptians during the Neolithic Period or New Stone Age. The bakers incorporated nuts, honey, and fruits in the bread dough.
  • There’s a town called Pie Town in New Mexico, USA. It is a real place located along the U.S Highway 60 in Catron County. 
  • Approximately 186 million pies are sold in grocery stores alone in one year. 
  • The crust of the pie was known as “coffyn”. In as early as 12th Century England, pies made their debut and there was usually more crust than filling. Because the pies were often made using fowl, their legs were left to hang over the side of the dish to be used as handles.

You will find more pie fun facts at this link.

So, how will you celebrate Homemade Pie Day? What is your favorite pie?

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