Saturday, September 16, 2023

grandma's chuckles - God Can't Get to Heaven in a Rocket!

Don't you just love a child's view of God?!!! They have the most profound questions! I remember ten years ago when my then four year old grandson and I were talking before bed and I told him how God loved him sooo much He even had his name written on His hand! My grandson told me his full name, then said; "My name is a big name, but God's hand is big! His hand is big enough for my name!" The smile of delight on his face made my heart so happy!

Then, he got a serious look on his face and said, "How does God get up to Heaven? He can't fly there in a rocket or on an airplane. How does He get to Heaven?" We talked about how amazing and powerful God is and then this four year old amazed me. He said, "God is a Spirit and you can not see a spirit!" 

I was so happy to see his face light up when he really thought about God and hear the questions he had! There is nothing more important to this grandma than for my grandsons to grow up to know, love, and walk with God!

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