Ephesians 5:15-20 tells us, "So be careful to live your life wisely, not foolishly. Take advantage of every opportunity because these are evil times. Because of this, don’t be ignorant, but understand the Lord’s will. Don’t get drunk on wine, which produces depravity. Instead be filled with the Spirit in the following ways: speak to each other with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; sing and make music to the Lord in your hearts; always give thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;” We need to live our lives wisely and one way we can do this is by encouraging others, praising God and living a life which is thankful for everything! When we live our lives in this way, while time will still "fly", we will have the peace of knowing our lives were lived wisely!
Be sure to point this out to your grandchildren, too! Help them understand what it means to live life wisely. Help them think of specific things they can do to live their life wisely by encouraging others, praising God and being thankful! Be sure to take a moment to pray for each grandchild by name - "Thank You God for loving _____ ! Please help him/her live his/her life wisely be encouraging others, praising You and being thankful always! Thank You, Amen!"

Be sure to point this out to your grandchildren, too! Help them understand what it means to live life wisely. Help them think of specific things they can do to live their life wisely by encouraging others, praising God and being thankful! Be sure to take a moment to pray for each grandchild by name - "Thank You God for loving _____ ! Please help him/her live his/her life wisely be encouraging others, praising You and being thankful always! Thank You, Amen!"
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