Wednesday, April 3, 2024

April is National Month of Hope

April is National Month of Hope, so let's look at ways we are able to be people who live with hope and extend hope to others. Daysoftheyear (dot) com says, "The  National Month of Hope seeks to act as a reminder that there can always be brighter days ahead!

What is "hope"? Well, the dictionary defines "hope" as . . . 

  • To wish for a particular event that one considers possible.
  • To have confidence; trust.
  • To desire and consider possible.
Clearly, with these definitions in mind, if we are able to live our lives with "hope", we are much more likely to live life with peace and joy as well, but life is filled with difficult challenges and it is far too easy to lose hope. Daysoftheyear (dot) com shared three ways to share hope this month - and all year long . . .
  • One important way people can be encouraged to participate throughout the National Month of Hope is to share their stories. It is often a story of someone overcoming the odds which helps another person in a difficult situation believe they can be empowered as well.
  • The National Month of Hope is meant to encourage individuals all over the world to give someone a reason to hope. Whether through a greeting card, a text message, or a phone call, this is a good time to reach out to someone to let them know they are loved. National Month of Hope is also a good time to help people restore their hope in humanity by performing random acts of kindness as well.
  • Impacting the next generation on the way they will care for each other and the planet is certainly a great way to celebrate the National Month of Hope! Teachers, parents, grandparents, and others who have an influence on the lives of children are able to make a huge difference for the future by encouraging children about the ways they might bring hope to someone else during this day.
All excellent ideas - take time to make time to encourage yourself to have hope today and to reach out to others to encourage them to hope as well. You will learn more about National Month of Hope at this link.

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