Wednesday, April 3, 2024

grandma's cookbook . . . Easy Chocolate Mousse on National Chocolate Mousse Day

Today is National Chocolate Mousse Day, so even though I shared this post a couple months ago, since it is chocolate mousse day, I thought I'd share it again . . . and what could be more delicious than chocolate mousse?!!! It can be complicated and a bit  tricky to make chocolate mousse, so I found a delicious recipe from Betty Crocker - I have made this before and it is easy and tasty - a great way to celebrate National Chocolate Mousse Day!

So, on this National Chocolate Mousse Day, let's also look at a few fun chocolate facts . . . did you know . . . 
  • Mayans named chocolate ‘food for the gods,’ and it was served as a drink alongside human sacrificial blood.
  • 400 chocolate beans are needed to make just one pound of chocolate.
  • Chocolate beans grow in pod-like structures, quite similar to cotton, so chocolate is kind of a vegetable — albeit by a stretch.
You will learn more about chocolate and National Chocolate Mousse Day at this link - enjoy!

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