Monday, April 1, 2024

April is National Soft Pretzel Month

Yes, April is National Soft Pretzel Month - so of course while you might celebrate by buying some soft pretzels, it would be so much more fun to gather the children you love and make your own tasty soft pretzels - don't worry - it is really pretty simple to do! I'll share a recipe shortly, but first, some info on National Soft Pretzel Month - did you know . . . 

  • Most assume that pretzels have Christian backgrounds and were invented by European monks.
  • Pretzels without salt are called “baldies”.
  • The three holes within the pretzel represent the three persons of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
  • Americans eat around two pounds of pretzels each year, but Philadelphians eat an average of twelve pounds per year.
You will find more pretzel fun facts at this link and more information about National Soft Pretzel Month at this link.

Now for the recipe - you will find it at this link - near the bottom of the recipe is info form making cinnamon sugar soft pretzels - definitely try this! Enjoy!

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