Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Children's Day Scavenger Hunt Fun!

As I said in my last post, I love the idea of Children's Day because I love to celebrate the sweet children in my life! So . . . I'm thinking it would be great fun to plan a Children's Day Scavenger Hunt as an activity for us all to enjoy together as we celebrate these amazing blessings from the hand of God!

If it isn't raining, take a walk around your yard and look for things you can have the children you love go find. Take one of the item you want them to find and put it in a zippy bag or small container around the yard. As they find one "clue" they will then know what they need to look for to find the next clue. It should be a lot of fun! If it rains, plan to have an in-door scavenger hunt! Be sure a camera is handy!

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