I am also a friend, and as a friend I have listened as moms and grandmas shared with me their heartbreak when their loved child, grown child, and/or grandchild made the choice to walk away from their faith. These friends shared how they did what they knew to do as the ones they loved grew up – they prayed with them, taught them about God, Jesus, and the Bible, took them to church, encouraged them to be involved in their youth group, and tried to model what it meant to love, know, and walk with God. They never thought the one they loved would turn away from their faith, but disappointment in people, hurt, and/or difficult times came along and the unthinkable happened.
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Equip Yourself with the little answer book
grandma's chuckles - "I Look Reediculeeous!"
"On Wednesdays I pick my grandsons up from school, hang out with them, and then take them to my church for the mid-week children's program . . . Kids 'N Action. This program has a bit of a Western 'flair' as children work through the Book of James in five years (one chapter a year) memorizing each chapter and learning about how they are able to put their faith into action.
It is National Pizza Month
Ranked in the Top Ten!
I am very happy to share with you the news of how the Richard & Helen DeVos Japanese Garden was ranked #4 in the top 10 most beautiful Japanese Gardens to visit in the U.S. this fall by thetravel (dot) com! They said -
Monday, October 2, 2023
I am "Vintage"

What Good is God?
As Barna's studies and Gallup's poll shows, more and more people are no longer believing in God or trusting the Bible to be true - at least here in the USA. When you are faced with questions about whether God is real or good or not, do you have any answers to these questions? Or if you are looking for answers to your own questions, do you wonder where to look? Today I am very happy to share with you a book with answers and let you know about a fantastic offer where you are able to get the Kindle copy for just $1.99!
It is National Pitbull Awareness Month
National Pitbull Awareness Day is celebrated by lovers of these dogs to raise awareness about the delight and joy pitbulls bring to their owners through their many positive character traits, such as their deep loyalty and affection toward their humans."
Sunday, October 1, 2023
The Relief for Grief - Available on Amazon
The past few years have brought blessings into our lives for sure, but with covid, many have experienced loss as well, whether it was the loss of someone they love, the loss of being able to spend time with the ones we love, the loss of a job, the loss of fellowship with others, the loss of our confidence, to mention just a few. Some of us have also experienced loss which was not related to covid as loss is a normal part of our lives.
When we experience loss, we experience grief. It is important for us to work through grief, and while there are tools available to help us do this, today I am happy to let you know about a book which is available to help you do exactly this.
Today is Homemade Cookies Day!
Today is absolutely a day to celebrate - Homemade Cookies Day! Clearly we celebrate this day by making - and enjoying - homemade cookies. My grandsons enjoy cookies, but one of their favorites is chocolate chip, peanut butter cookies. When they were younger it was not unusual for them to go straight to the cookie jar when they arrived at my house - which was typically followed with very happy smiles on their faces!
The Reason for God - Absolutely a Must-Have Book
Many grandparents/ parents find themselves in a place where they are needing to answer questions relating to why they should believe God is real, the Bible is true, God and science go together, and God is good from their grandchildren/ grown children/ children. While some may know the answers, many do not. This is why today I am so very happy to share with you a book which answers these very questions - and does so with excellent, thoughtful answers. Tim Keller is the author of The Reason for God and this is a must-have book for every grandparent/ parent.
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Make the Most of Being a Grandparent - Don't Worry; It is Impossible to Spoil Grandchildren
My Promise
My grandsons have me thinking about how quickly they are growing up and what truly matters. I may not be able to take my sweet grandsons to fancy places. I may not be able to buy these dear boys the newest, coolest, and most awesome toys and gadgets. I may not be able to give them every thing they may want, but I absolutely will be sure the words I say fill their hearts with joy and remind them how ever so much they are loved!
Book Review - Stay This Way Forever
I am very happy today to let you know about a book which is cute, sweet, and has a powerful message for the children you love - Stay This Way Forever by Linsey Davis and illustrated by Lucy Fleming - published by Zonderkidz.