Thursday, September 21, 2023

"Because My Grandma LOVES Them!"

I live on an acre, out in the country, in Michigan, in the farmhouse my grandparents built back in the 1920's. In my front and side yard are six very large maple trees. In my back yard, behind the double-stall garage is the most enormous maple tree I've ever seen - it reaches far above the roof of the garage and spans beyond the sides of the garage - on both sides! It is absolutely enormous! We also have one very, very tall sycamore tree, three birch trees and several other trees - including about a dozen pine trees.

Little Night/Nachecita - from Jambo Books!

Yesterday I wrote about Jambo Books and today I am very happy to let you know about another of their books - Little Night/ Nachecita by Yuyi Morales.

Today is World Gratitude Day

Today is World Gratitude Day - and regardless of the difficult things we may be facing, or the frustrating things, we still have much for which to be thankful and when we are, we make our day - and the day of all around us - better!

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Bob, Not Bob! from Jambo Books

Yesterday I shared about a Jambo Book which is offered in their wonderful book clubs - today I am happy to let you know about the another of their books - Bob, Not Bob! written and illustrated by  Audrey Vernick, Liz Garton Scanlon, and Matthew Cordell.

New Glasses from Zenni

Many of us wear glasses. I do. Each year after my yearly dr visit, I returned home to order my new glasses on-line from Zenni. If you have never heard of Zenni before and you or anyone in your family wears glasses, please take a minute to check their site  as they have some of the most wonderful designs, styles, and options at prices you will not believe!

No-Bake Cookies

Did you know 86% of grandmas bake cookies? Are you part of the 86%? If so,  what are your grandchildren's favorite cookies?

While I have many recipes for baking cookies, I do have one no-bake recipe . . . which I'm sharing with you today . . . 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Wonderful Me - I Love All of Me - from Jambo Books

Jambo Books sent me several of their books for review a couple years ago and today I am happy to let you know about one of these books . . . a beautiful padded board book by Lorie-Ann Grover, Illustrated by Carolina Buxio - I Love all of me!

Talk Like a Pirate Day Fun for 2023

Today, September 19th, is, "Talk Like a Pirate Day" and not only are you able to have fun talking like a pirate, if you dress and talk like a pirate, there are some freebies out there which are available for you to claim. Sounds like a winning combination forrrrrrrrr sure! (Notice my, "pirate 'rrrrrrrrr'!!!")

grandma's chuckles - "No Cows Have Licked My Head!!!"

There are many "perks" to being grandma . . . hugs, kisses, snuggles . . . all wonderful "perks"! But another is enjoying the funny things the grandchildren say. I want to share with you something funny my youngest grandson said a few years ago. 

Monday, September 18, 2023

It Just Takes a Few, Simple Words


One time, a few years ago, when my grandsons were at my house, my then six-year-old grandson was talking when I told him something which had a huge impact on him. I looked at him and said; “Do you know why I know God loves me?

A Family of Her Own for Candy


Last summer my husband, grandsons, and I went to the Humane Society to get a kitten. I wanted my grandsons to go with us because, first of all, they love all animals, secondly I wanted to be sure whatever cat we got was one which was able to be around my grandsons without being aggressive. We spent some time at the Humane Society and finally settled on a very sweet calico - which we named Candy, because she is sweet (and my middle grandson said she reminded him of candy corn.) 

Today is Rice Krispies Treats Day

Today is Rice Krispies Treats Day - a tasty day to celebrate for sure! While we tend to think of these treats as a snack for children, a little creativity allows you to turn them into a snack for anyone! Consider using a different cereal, or add nuts, or chocolate, sprinkles, or M&M's, or ???

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Book Review - Dog Man Grime & Punishment

When my youngest grandson was in First Grade he was not a fan of reading. He was absolutely certain he would never read unless he had to do so for school. In fact, I have heard, more than once, he hated reading! This is until he walked into my house a few years ago for his virtual school with grandma (during covid) while his parents were at work, and saw the new Dog Man book sitting on my table. He picked it up, started reading, and spent every break, reading - he read the first six chapters and told me, I "I actually do love reading!" Today I am extremely happy to let you know about this book!

A Grandma's "Job"

When I think about the role of grandma, I do believe it is essential for me to become a ‘student’ of my grandchildren. It is my job, my ‘role’ to get to know them and what makes them tick.

This matters so much, for several reasons. Consider the following . . .